Moralis Provider

EthereumPolygonBinance Smart ChainAvalancheFantomMoralis


You can use Moralis API for free (5 requests per second per key), and you can pay for more frequent requests. You need to register a Moralis account to use it.

Moralisopen in new window provides APIs to easily access Ethereum NFTs, supporting Ethereum mainnet, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Fantom.

You can initialize with ipfsGateway to potentially get a faster response or higher stability.

You must initialize with moralisWeb3APIKey to use this provider, which will expose your Moralis api key on the front end. The steps to get the key after registration are as follows:

In addition to fetching data from Moralis, Unidata will automatically report missing metadata to Moralis to trigger a resync.


const assets: Assets = await unidata.assets.get(options: {
    source: 'Ethereum NFT';
    identity: string;
    providers: ['Moralis'];
    limit?: number;
    cursor?: string[];

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const assets: Assets = await unidata.assets.get({
    source: 'Ethereum NFT',
    identity: '0xC8b960D09C0078c18Dcbe7eB9AB9d816BcCa8944',
    providers: ["Moralis"],
    "total": 0,
    "list": []